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What's going on in the classroom?

Welcome to our Grade 1/2 class, Room 13.


Language: -we will begin the year focusing on the letters of the alphabet (both lower and upper case) and their related sounds.  We will also be playing 'The Name Game' which draws attention to the number of letters in students' names, smaller words that can be made using the letters within their name, and capitalization of the first letter in thier name being a proper noun.

-for writing, it would be good practise to take a lined piece of paper and use the top half for a picture.  Students need to have an idea of what they will write about first, then they can draw a picture that includes as much detail as possible, finally label everything in their picture.  Parents should accept their child's best spelling and afterwards, can correct their spelling in pen (underneath/above) and have their child trace over the correct spelling.  Remember that proper nouns (special words such as people's names, names of places, or things such as buildings) need to start with a capital letter.  All common nouns will have no capital letters.


Mathematics:  -we will be exploring number and the passage of time through Calendar.  In our calendar discussions, we will look at:  the present, past, and future tenses; cycles for days, months, and seasons; ordinal numbers; the number of digits in any given number; keeping track of daily weather and noting the daily high temperature; and explore patterns

-the students will also be introduced to 5-frames and dot plates


Social Studies:  -we are developing concept charts for the character values of each month (September-Respect, October-Responsibility)

-we will be discussing the 5-point check for Attentive Listening and what it means to be a good attentive listener, as well as the other 3 Tribes agreements (Appreciations, Mutual Respect, & Participation)


Science:  -we are starting a school-wide inquiry regarding 'Change starts with me!'


*Library book exchange which will happen every Day 5 with Mrs. Panksep.  Please make sure your child returns their book on this day, so they can check out a new one. Mrs. Panksep will also teach Media Studies  on Day 2 (2nd period), and Music on Day 3 (2nd period)

Gym days are 1st period on Day 1; 2nd period on Days 4 & 5.  Students should have appropriate footwear.  NOTE:  On page 12 of the student agenda there is a TDSB school year calendar.  You can see the correlating day in the 5-day cycle written underneath each date (the smaller number).





SPECIAL NOTES:  PLease be aware that the school day starts now at 9:00 am.  Please make sure your child arrives at least 10 minutes early (8:50 am), so that they can be received in the front yard.  If students continue to arrive late, we are not teaching them the importance of punctuality and responsibility. Late arrivals need to report to the office before coming to the classroom!

     Please make sure that your child’s agenda is initialed daily.  It is the quickest way that we can communicate, and you’ll be helping your child earn free points for their team!  As well, please make sure that the agenda and folder come to school daily.

     I allow water bottles in the classroom.  For health and safety, please make sure the bottles are cleaned daily with soap and warm water, and then refilled for the next day (The metal ones are more durable and will keep their water cooler).

     Please teach your child to tie their own shoelaces!  I find I am spending a lot of instructional time tying laces.  It would be nice for students to have 2 pairs of shoes (one indoor, and 1 outdoor).  If possible, on your next purchase, please consider Velcro or slip-on shoes (no laces) if your child has difficulty with laces.  Please have a plastic bag ready to take shoes home every Friday.

     Keep all jewelery and valuables at home (e.g., watches, rings, bracelets, necklaces, headbands)  We would not like top see them go missing.  Students sometimes tend to fidget with these items and it detracts from their learning.

     In addition, please be mindful of the conditions outside and send your child with the appropriate footwear.  It might be a good idea to send an extra pair of socks, underwear, and track pants in a plastic bag, to be left in their knapsacks, for emergencies).

Our new dismissal time is 3:10 pm.  Please pick up your child on time!

Thank you for your attention,

Mr. C. Yoshida


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